Sharing With Hope the Unicorn
November 11, 2021

I’m Hope the Unicorn, here to teach you all about sharing. I am sure your parents have told you all about sharing your toys with your friends and siblings, but have you heard about how you can share with everyone? You can share with everyone by giving back to your community, but where do you start? The first thing you need to do is figure out what you are passionate about helping. If you like animals, look for a shelter to support. Or if you like to cook, try to find a soup kitchen you can help. There are tons of different charities in the area that will help you find exactly where your passion lies. After you figure out who you want to help, then you need to figure out how to share with them.
You can share money with the charity or a cause you would like to support. Every time you get your allowance, you separate the money into different sections of your budget. You make sure to put some into savings, some is spent, and some can go to sharing. You can choose to donate the money monthly or save it up for the entire year. It is all about what makes it easy for you. To keep you focused on donating, make a goal of how much you want to donate and keep track of everything you have donated until you reach that goal. When you reach that goal, give yourself an award for a great job!
Another way to practice sharing is to donate your toys to the charity of your choosing. Any of your toys that you do not use anymore instead of throwing them away try donating them. An easy way to collect toys that you do not use anymore is to create a donation bin. If you realize that you haven’t used a toy in a week, look at the toy and see if you truly still need it. If the answer is no, throw it into the donation bin. As you continue this process, you will see you have plenty of toys to donate and a lot of free space in your room to play.
You could, also, donate your time to your cause by volunteering at one of the local charities. Research different volunteer opportunities in the area and find one that you would enjoy doing. As you look through different opportunities make sure to check for different requirements, like age, to make sure you can participate. Certain volunteer opportunities require you to have an adult present so make sure to get your parents involved and explain to them what you want to do.
Whatever way you choose to give back, you are practicing how to share. Why stop with just you? Get your friends, family, and classmates involved in your sharing efforts. You can share what you have learned with all of them and get the chance to spend quality time with people you care about. Just remember to have fun as you share.